Come and enjoy the pleasure of sailing with our fun, friendly and relaxed members and enjoy the freedom and fun of sailing in our own fleet of adaptive dinghies. All members play an active part in the club.
New members are always very welcome. If you are not sure about whether you like sailing or simply would like to find out more about our activities and who we are, you are welcome to come and join us for up to two Saturday mornings completely free of charge, to be taken within a one month period. To continue to sail after this you will need to become a MoB member.
You can sail every Saturday morning, starting at 10am, from April to the end of October.
Every session is supervised by an RYA qualified Senior Instructor and a dedicated safety boat is always in attendance.
We have a variety of dinghies for all abilities, whether you are a seasoned sailor or new to sailing. Our fleet of boats includes, a Drascombe Lugger, RS Venture Connect, Laser Stratos, Weta Trimaran, and three Hansa 303's.
You will need to bring outdoor clothing, including some soft footwear (but not wellingtons) that may get wet. We can provide buoyancy aids.